Greetings and welcome to the William Preston Turner School of Nursing. As your dean I am thrilled that you have selected Lander University to pursue your dream of becoming a nurse or preparing for a career in health and wellness promotion. We don’t take your faith in our program lightly. We are here to serve you, to serve Lander University, and the surrounding communities. Join us in making a difference as we advance health care through innovative nursing and health promotion education.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and the master’s degree program in nursing at Lander University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. (https://www.ccneaccreditation.org)
Honors Programming
A nursing honors synthesis is also available, promoting the development of the graduate nurse as scholar, leader and world citizen from a global awareness perspective. This course culminates with a project which requires either a presentation at a professional meeting or the submission of an article for publication in a professional journal.
Mission and Vision
Lander University’s William Preston Turner School of Nursing will be known globally for educating well-rounded, professional nurses who provide holistic care and are committed to life-long learning.
Lander University’s William Preston Turner School of Nursing mission is to prepare individuals to provide holistic nursing care in a variety of settings to diverse clients across the lifespan. The purpose of the baccalaureate program is to prepare graduates within a liberal arts environment for the professional nursing roles of care provider, leader, consumer of research, candidate for advanced studies, and contributing member of the nursing profession. The purpose of the graduate program is to prepare clinical nurse leaders to address the healthcare needs of the 21st century by implementing outcome-based practice through management of care systems, quality improvement strategies, utilization of technology, and advanced clinical reasoning.
Department Awards
I have definitely enjoyed my time at Lander. I plan on getting a master’s in nursing with the goal of teaching eventually, as my tutoring and my professors both instilled a love of teaching in me.
I was drawn in by how close-knit the campus community was, both in and out of the classroom. I get the feeling that the faculty and staff here not only want me to succeed, but also genuinely care about my well-being.
Not everything you learn in nursing school comes from a textbook. One source of knowledge for Lander University nursing students: straight from the doctors themselves.
Tyanna Porter had a message for the School of Nursing graduates in Lander University’s Class of 2024: “All 58 of us were born to be nurses.”
Lander University has been awarded federal funding to help improve health care in the state. A total of $2.4 million has been allocated to Lander’s School of Nursing to enhance facilities and upgrade educational technology.