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English & Foreign Languages

You love language. Whether through speech, literature or creative writing, words invigorate your life, and you want to transform that passion into a career.

As an English or Spanish major at Lander, you'll learn to do just that - with a program that gives you the freedom to explore your own interests while providing enough balance in your studies to prepare for specific career paths.





Jeffrey Baggett
Department Chair

864-388-8265  |  |  Carnell Learning Center LC323

Take the first steps today.

Our application process is easy and our staff is here to help you evaluate your options.

Campus Publications for Writers and Artists

Lander's Department of English & Foreign Languages offers students the opportunity to express their creativity through two student publications. Lander University's student journal, New Voices publishes art, academic essays, personal reflections and creative pieces written by Lander students from all disciplines. The Forum student newspaper covers the news, features, and opinions of the Lander University community. Learn more.


Living Literary Living Learning Community

The Living Literary Living Learning Community is a residential community where students are able to share and deepen their passions about reading, writing, and literature through social, educational, and reflective activities. The Living Learning LLC will take conversations beyond the classroom, create opportunities for students and faculty to interact, and promote the value of experiences that occur in residential spaces. Learn more.



Keep up with what's happening in the Department of English & Foreign Languages.

EFL Newsletter


Department Awards

Awards are granted annually to outstanding university students from all disciplines during a ceremony each spring. The following are awards presented by the university's Department of English and Foreign Languages:

  • English Discipline Award
    The English Discipline Award is granted annually for outstanding scholarship exhibited in English courses at Lander University.
  • French Discipline Award
    The French Discipline Award is given annually by the French faculty to an outstanding student of French based on scholarship and on dedication to the discipline.
  • Spanish Discipline Award
    The Spanish Discipline Award is presented annually for outstanding scholarship exhibited in Spanish courses at Lander University.
  • Margaret M. Bryant Award
    The Margaret M. Bryant Award recognizes a senior majoring in a humanities discipline who plans to enroll in graduate school and who will represent Lander University well.
  • Dessie Dean Pitts Humanities Award
    The Dessie Dean Pitts Humanities Award is named in honor of Lander alumna Dessie Dean Pitts and is given annually for exceptional nonfiction writing published in New Voices, Lander's journal of nonfiction.

Latest News

Jared Lemus
Lander University to Host Writer Jared Lemus

Lander University announces Jared Lemus as the featured writer for the 2025 Writer Series. Lemus will be sharing his book of short stories from HarperCollins, titled Guatemalan Rhapsody.

26 February 2025